Friday, December 19, 2008

End of first semester!

I am so relieved to finally be done with first semester. I do have to admit though that it went by really fast. Next semester is going to be so easy. I am going to have a study hall for the first time ever in my whole high school and middle school career. It's going to be nice. I also dropped my early riser class 'cause I didn't feel like I was learning anything in that class. It turned out to be really boring. It's probably because all we ever did in that class was do webquests and watch documentaries. Bleh! I am so excited I got all As on all my final exams except for one class, but it's okay because I had a really high grade in that class, so my final won't really change it at all. I am so glad that Christmas is only 6 days away! Though i have to say, it doesn't feel like it is Christmas season at all. It really needs to slow and keeping snowing. I'm really tired of it snowing then raining and then the water freezing over making really bad ice. Bleh! I really don't want to have to work tonight though! I hate working Fridays because my boss is always a pain in the butt! Bleh! Well peace out homeslice!

1 comment:

Danyele Easterhaus said...

yeah for one semester being done...and did i hear easy? hmmmm