Sunday, May 17, 2009


So, there are only 4 days of school left for me, and then I will be a senior! I"m so excited that summer break is almost here. Though, I'm not very excited about this week because this week is finals week...bleh! I don't want to study for finals. Also, I have to take my SAT june 6th, so I still have to study for something after I get out of school which sucks hardcore. I can't wait until June 7th because then I will truly be able to relax...well sort of anyways. I'm leaving for NYC Baby on June 8th. I can't wait. I'm so pumped, and it will be even better than the last trip because there are only 10 students going, and all 10 of them are like my best friends...i'm so excited! As I'm typing, I'm trying to finish my French final review's not working out too well. I have no motivation! So...yeah...I'm bored. Well, peace out yo! Maybe I can find a way to motivate myself...